Business Rates Mitigation with Shuffle

In an era where the high street is undergoing monumental shifts, vacant properties present a significant challenge but also a monumental opportunity. At Shuffle, we've harnessed this potential through our business rates mitigation model, offering a win-win for landlords, communities, and the creative sector of cities.

Economic Incentives

  • Business Rates Relief: Benefit from up to 3 months of business rates relief with just a 6-week commitment.

  • Increased Property Value: Boost your property's appeal and potential value by making it a hub of creativity and culture.

  • Increased Leasing Potential: Activation showcases the property's versatility, attracting potential long-term tenants and organizations seeking short-term pop-up venues.

  • Proof of Concept: Past activations have attracted inquiries from organisations interested in hiring the space for their events, showcasing the potential value of any vacant space.

Social Benefit

  • Community Engagement: Each Shuffle space becomes a communal point of convergence, hosting workshops, discussions, and other interactive sessions.

  • Revitalization: By activating dormant buildings, we breathe life back into the city, attracting locals and tourists alike.

Cultural Boost

  • Artistic Platform: Led by Liverpool-based artists Josie Jenkins and Max Mallender, Shuffle amplifies emerging talent, having showcased over 50 artists spanning diverse disciplines.

  • Beyond Exhibitions: Our events integrate a dynamic interplay of art forms, from painting to digital art and live music, creating a holistic cultural experience.

  • Key Collaborations: With notable projects such as Shuffle at Make and partnerships with music entities like Iniquity, our events resonate deeply with Liverpool's grassroots art scene.

Why Choose Shuffle?

  1. Reputation: Our model has not only been successful but has also led to inquiries from other organizations wanting to hire the spaces we've activated.

  2. Minimal Intervention: We respect the essence of your space. Often, a touch of white paint is all we add, ensuring the property is in equal or better condition post-activation.

  3. Future Vision: As Shuffle grows, so does our vision. We're continually seeking new ways to expand our impact, providing tangible benefits to cities across the UK.

How it works

Partnering with Building Owners: 

We begin by partnering with landlords of vacant properties, activating their unused space and offering a financial benefit through our business rate mitigation model.

3 Months of Business Rate Relief in Just 6 Weeks:

We activate a property with Shuffle for just 6 weeks, after which landlords can reap the benefits of up to 3 months of business rates relief. Learn more about rate relief from the UK government's official guidelines.

Space Transformation:

Upon securing a venue, our team begins the transformation process, converting the empty property into a vibrant hub of culture and art. We pride ourselves on minimal intervention – often, a fresh coat of white paint is all that's needed. Rest assured, the building will remain in the same, if not better, condition than when we first stepped in. Our goal is to honour and enhance the space's inherent charm while introducing innovative ideas.

Showcasing Talent:

At the heart of each venue lies our dedication to amplifying emerging talent. Shuffle produces art exhibitions with opening events that offer a dynamic interplay between diverse art forms. We generate the income needed to support our activities through ticketed events and the sale of food, drinks, artwork and specialist goods. It’s a blend that invites and resonates with both art enthusiasts and the general public.

Ongoing partnerships:

After each successful activation, the space is returned to the landlord, having added value and showcased its potential. At this point landlords can enjoy 3 months’ rates relief. Shuffle can then re-activate the property for another 6 weeks. We can also activate multiple properties at any one time.

